I am Chris Hicks

Name: Christopher Hicks

Profile: FullStack Developer

Email: christopher.hicks@alumni.carleton.ca

Phone: (613) 796-4366


C# 99%
SQL 99%
HTML 95%
CSS 90%
PHP 80%
About me

I have a decade of experience in the medical software industry, specializing in cloud technologies, working with physicians, and conducting data migrations. My expertise includes Angular, React, Vue.JS, Azure, AWS, MS SQL, MY SQL, PHP, and Redmine, among other technologies. I have also collaborated on various web projects and developed software for law enforcement agencies such as the RCMP and police in the USA.

Outside of work, I enjoy performing on stage through acting, improvisation, and karaoke singing. I am skilled in playing the piano, guitar, tongue drum, and various other instruments, as I believe music is a powerful medium for expressing emotions.

I am currently involved in several personal projects, including designing a layer on top of GPT that utilizes a reflective neural network and data abstraction to simulate emotions. Additionally, I have co-founded DeTour Designs with my designer partner to create innovative apps that focus on cooking, saving money, and bringing joy to users.

I am also an avid public speaker and active member of Toastmasters, delivering motivational speeches that inspire individuals to strive for personal growth and fulfillment.


I bring you more than just services, I bring you a new way of thinking.

Software Development

With over a decade of experience working in the field and five years of formal training in computer science, I possess a versatile skill set in various programming languages such as C#, C++, C, PHP, Ruby, Python, and more.

When I was younger, I aspired to become an inventor. However, my older brother helped me understand that innovation and creativity alone are not enough to create something truly revolutionary. It was during my early exposure to coding that I realized the power of turning ideas into tangible products through software development. While I have the soul of a creative, I pursued the sciences to acquire the skills needed to turn my visions into reality.

Psychology / Design

My academic background encompasses both computer science and psychology. I am deeply passionate about both disciplines. Currently, I am working on my blog, SeeingSharp, where I am exploring the integration of innovative psychological models derived from computer science.

While software development has benefited from insights and principles derived from psychology, there is still much that the study of the mind can learn from computer science. By rearchitecting our understanding of psychology we can better understand that thoughts serve as the fundamental building blocks for more complex cognitive processes, such as emotions, which ultimately shape our routines, beliefs, and perceptions.

I.T. Apititude

I have a passion for problem-solving and continuous learning. I approach every situation with determination to find a solution. Currently, this site is hosted on a Mac Mini within an Apache environment, similar to the hosting setup of my other projects and project management system. My projects encompass a variety of languages, including Ruby on Rails, PHP, and React. I initially lacked knowledge in these areas, but I was able to learn and master them through dedication. I believe that difficulty is subjective, as challenges often stem from unfamiliarity rather than true complexity. By shifting our perspective to see the unfamiliar as conquerable, we can achieve anything.

Database Migration

I have extensive experience working with databases and data migration, including transferring information between various data sources such as Excel, MySQL, MS SQL, CSV, and Microsoft Access.

I possess strong proficiency in database languages, scripting, data recovery, database relations, and database architecture.

Agile Methology

I am a certified ScrumMaster with over eleven years of experience in agile methodologies. In a current role as Product Owner at CodeMusic Projects, I utilize Redmine as my primary project management suite. Previously, I facilitated sprint planning and retrospective meetings at a web-focused organization, and I have also played a key role in implementing agile methodologies at my current workplace.

Marketing Services

My family has a background in sales, but I initially pursued a career in computer science. However, my interest in psychology ultimately led me back to the field of marketing. I possess a natural talent for effectively communicating the value of products and services, and I excel at crafting compelling narratives. I believe that with the right approach, I can successfully sell anything, even to those who may not initially see the need for it.






Work Positions and Active Projects.

Team Lead . ScrumMaster . Senior Software Developer

Canadian Health Systems / 2014 - 2024 (Present)

Web Developer . Agile Product Organizer . Redmine

Momentous / 2012 - 2014

Software Developer . Data Migrations

STaCS DNA / 2011 - 2012

Product Owner

CodeMusic Product Management / 2024

Design Innovation / React

DTour Designs / 2024

Reflective Emotion Abstraction

CodeMusic AI / 2008-2024

Motivational Speaking

ToastMasters / 2024

Improvised Comedy Shorts

The LumberJack / 2024
Theodore Roosevelt

"Believe you can and you're halfway there"

Napoleon Hill

"Goals are Dreams with a Deadline"

Christopher Hicks

"Your daily thoughts have more power than you realize."

SeeingSharp Blog

A new understanding of Psychology through Computer Science.


Harnessing Hyperfocus

HyperFocus is one of the unique aspects of ADHD, again this function serves as a double edged sword. If left unchecked it can wreak havoc on one’s life as it devolves into obsession and lost time, however, there is a bright side as it can also allow for laser sharp productivity.


Emotional Momemtum

Newton’s First Law of motion applies to our emotions as well. Emotions tend to persist and resist change, keeping us stuck in certain moods. However, we can shift our state by recognizing that our mind plays tricks on us and that our mood is temporary. By consciously choosing to notice moments of joy and feeling grateful for them, we can train our unconscious self to automatically recognize and preserve positive emotions. This shift in emotional momentum can lead us towards a more positive mood and help manifest our desires. Emotions act as magnets, turning our dreams or fears into reality.



As a doctor, I want to have something simple that I can give to my patient which will Combine the all of the patient’s vitamin needs. I would also like some of the vitamins to have an extended release, so that they can take it just once per day. This metaphor will help us understand the computer science concept of encapsulation.